Miscellaneous files about conscientious objectors
This is a collection of government files I have collected concerning the conscientious objector (CO) process in the United States. Many of these files are outdated; whatever analysis they provide is probably no longer relevant. They are probably not of interest to you, unless you are doing some serious historical work.
Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports
GAO-07-1196 (2007) “Number of Formally Reported Applications for Conscientious Objectors is Small Relative to the Total Size of the Armed Forces”
GAO/NSIAD-94-35 (1993) “Conscientious Objectors - Number of Applications Remained Small During the Persian Gulf War”
GAO/NSIAD-98-199 (1998) -“Gender Issues - Changes Would be Needed to Expand Selective Service Registration to Women”
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Publications
“An Assessment of Health Status Among Medical Research Volunteers who Served in the Project Whitecoat Program at Fort Detrick, Maryland” (2005) - 2000 conscientious objectors volunteered to have biological weapons tested on them rather than fight in combat
“Restructuring the In-Service Conscientious Objector Program” (1993) - Army JAG argues that in-service CO regulations are too lenient and need to be restricted
Technical Report 70-1, and Appendix (1970) - Army manual about training medical corpsmen who are also 1-0-A conscientious objectors
Department of Defense Regulations
DODd-1300.06 (1971) - All changes after this date appear to be trivial. This regulation is a significant deviation from previous regulations, however, which I do not have copies of.
Publications by Military Law Journals (Army Lawyer and Military Law Review)
These are full journals, not just the relevant article. Do a search for “conscientious objector” to find the relevant section.
“Conscientious Objectors and Courts-Martial: Some Recent Developments” (1971)
“Nuclear Weapons: The Crisis of Conscience”(1985) - Discusses conscientious objection in relation to nuclear pacifism and denunciation by Catholic Bishops of nuclear weapons