simple beer ice cream

So last weekend I was making an awesome double IPA. My roommate’s dad owns a hops farm. He had just sent us 2 lbs of cascade. So I figured, I wonder how that much hops would taste in a 5 gallon batch?
Now, I live in the desert, and it’s still pretty hot here in November. Like over 90 degrees hot. So naturally I was eating ice cream while brewing. And then it struck me: What if I poured some of the unfermented wort into the ice cream?!
When the boil was done, I put the hops bag inside a bowl and squeezed to get out as much juicy goodness as possible. Then I poured it into a tub of ice cream:

After a bunch of stirring, the final product looked something like:

In total, I added about a cup of the unfermented wort into 1 quart of ice cream. I was a little worried that maybe I had added too much. Maybe the wort would simply turn into ice and ruin the ice cream.
But lo!
One day later, I come back from a hard day of work, ready for dessert, and am greeted by the perfect combo:

Pie à la beer mode FTW!