Why (and how) I'm refusing to pay war taxes
Growing up, I wanted nothing more than to be a naval officer. But then Jesus changed my heart. He’s been teaching me that instead of killing my enemies, I’m supposed to love them. In fact, I’m supposed to dedicate my life to serving them. Maybe even die for them. So after 7 years in the navy, I left as a conscientious objector. That’s also why I’m not paying my federal taxes this year.
In the United States, roughly half of our tax dollars go to financing war:

You can find a detailed breakdown here. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I would gladly pay more taxes to finance roads, schools, or public health care. But I will no longer pay other people to kill America’s enemies on my behalf.
I deeply regret the need for tax resistance because it contradicts a number of Biblical commands. For example, in Romans 13:7 Paul tell us that “if you owe taxes, pay taxes” and in Mathew 22:21 Jesus commands us to “give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” I wish I could obey these commands at face value. But obeying the commands to pay taxes would result in me breaking the greatest commandment of them all: to love my neighbor as myself. Jesus calls everyone my neighbor, even my enemies. Even people who kill Americans, like Osama bin Laden. I’m deeply ashamed that my tax dollars helped finance his assassination. Not to mention the near-daily drone strikes that continue to happen, the torture at gitmo, and the DOD’s research into newer and deadlier weapons systems. I payed for it all.
I could say a lot more about why I feel morally compelled to not pay war taxes, but I won’t. I’ll skip right to the part where I’m making a public statement that I will not finance war, and I will accept whatever consequences that entails. I also acknowledge that by taking this stand, I am sinning. But this is the least sinful option my limited wisdom can find. So I will continue on, “sinning boldly” as ever.
To be smart with my protest, I’m following advice provided mainly by the War Resistor League’s War Tax Resistance book:

Today I filed my taxes just like everyone else. I filled out my form 1040, and found out that I owed 48 dollars. It’s not very much, but it’s something. I did my best to be as honest and complete as possible in the paperwork. But instead of including a check, I wrote them the following letter:
To whom it may concern:
After careful consideration, I have decided not to pay my 2012 taxes to the Federal government. I cannot in good conscience provide any financial support for our ongoing wars and excessive military spending.
I do, however, want to be a good citizen and contribute my fair share to society. Therefore, I am paying the taxes I owe to the federal government ($48) to my local state government (CA) instead. I have scanned a copy of my contribution check below.
Michael Izbicki
I was happy to do my California taxes in addition to giving them this extra money. It’s only war that I’m against, not taxes in general. Here’s a copy of the actual check I wrote:

Also, for anyone interested, I’ve posted my form 1040:
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Finally, just before mailing my envelope, I said the St Francis prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.